Description: This oil burns with luminous flame without the formation of soot and odor. The contents of sulphur is less than 2 ppm and contents of aromatic hydrocarbons is less than 1.500 ppm. This oil is non-toxie and i tis classified among substances with medium biological effectiveness II. B. It is flammable liquid of the III. class with the flash point min. 80 °C and with the freezing point max. 5 °C. This oil is coloured with harmless dyes and aromatised with natural flagrances.Kinds of colors: - red color ................................................................................................ rose, strawberry, carnation, - green color ..................................................................... forest, pine-needles, eucalyptus, cinnamon, - violet color ..................................................................................................................... violet, lilac, - orange color .................................................................................................. orange, bloody orange, - yellow color ............................................................................................................... lemon, vanilla, - yellowish green color .......................................................................................................... yasmine, - blue color ........................................................................................................................... levander, |
Last Updated ( Utorok, 24 január 2012 ) |